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What is a Power Surge?

Kevin E. Maxwell

What is a Power Surge

Power surges are something that can not only trigger a circuit breaker but also have the tendency to shut off the electrical, but the real question is what causes them or how they can damage the equipment? Most homes in the U.S. experience power surges at some point. So, here are some tips from the Albany, NY, home inspection, which can help you in protecting your family and recognizing the dangers of electrical damage.

Unseen Danger Power surges occur when there is a sudden interruption to the flow of electricity, or when an electrical device put back the electricity into the system instead of drawing it. The appliances in the USA run at different voltage and when you plug them into the outlet without any protection, a power surge will occur. The Albany, NY, home inspection identify few most common causes of a power surge.

  • It is important to understand that a tripped circuit breaker can protect your home but a damaged one cannot.

  • A high power electrical equipment can also create power spikes, which activates when a specific high-energy component like a motor kicks in.

  • A power surge can also occur if an animal gets into electrical equipment like transformer.

  • The limbs of a tree can touch the power lines causing power surges; if you notice anything like that contact the local authorities immediately.

  • Faulty or bad wiring is another cause of power surges. It is important to remove or replaces the bad wiring immediately.

When a power surge occurs, you cannot do much at least the first time and that's why it is important to know about the indication of a power surge, which includes:

  • Unexpected power loss or resetting of the device.

  • Tripped safety switch or circuit breaker.

  • Failing electrical devices.

If you see these signs immediately, contact the Albany, NY, home inspection to protect your home for future happenings.

The Author Kevin Maxwell is the owner and operator of Maxwell Home Inspection Services, LLC. Kevin Maxwell is a certified Home Inspector located in Albany NY that has performed over 6000 Inspections Book online Phone: 1-800-598-4754


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