8 Most Dangerous Home Electrical Hazards.
Depending on the electricity also means dealing with the electrical safety hazards also in your home, school, or office. If you have proper knowledge, you can reduce or eliminate these hazards with the help of an experienced electrician. The Albany, NY home inspection provides trained electricians who not only check your electrical appliance but also helps you in eliminating the electrical hazards in your home. Here is the list of the eight most dangerous electrical hazards that could arise in your home.
Outlets in Kitchen and Bathrooms: The outlets, which are close to water areas such as kitchen and bathroom, should be installed away from the water source.
Electrical Fires and Water: It is extremely dangerous to pour water on the electrical fire because water acts as fuel and could easily cause electrocution.
Poor or Defective Wiring: Wiring with safety standards is essential for your safety. Poor or defective wiring increases the chances of power surges, electrical fire, arc faults, and other serious problems. It is best to call a professional electrician of Albany, NY home inspection to perform quality electrical wiring work.
Electrical Appliance and Wet Hands: It is extremely important to know that electrical devices should never be touched with wet hands as it can give you an electric shock.
Extension Cords: It is important to fix the extension cords in a safe place to decrease the chances of an accident or tripping.
Do not cover the Cords: Keep all the electrical cords uncovered because covering can cause overheating, which leads to an electrical fire.
Flammable Materials: Keep the light bulbs away from any flammable material such as beds, plastics, and upholstery.
Extra Safe Power Points: The Albany, NY home inspections electricians suggests not to place any power points within the reach of children. It is best to use the extra safe power points to protect the young ones.
The Author Kevin Maxwell is the owner and operator of Maxwell Home Inspection Services, LLC. Kevin Maxwell is a certified Home Inspector located in Albany NY that has performed over 6000 Inspections Book online Phone: 1-800-598-4754