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5 Different Types of Chimneys to Fit your Home.

Kevin E. Maxwell

5 Different Types of Chimneys to Fit your Home

Most homes in the U.S have fireplaces and chimneys installed within them in order to keep the house warm, especially during the season of winter. A chimney is like a tunnel or pipe-like channel that is used to transfer or disperse heat, smoke, and flue gasses from fireplaces and stoves. The Albany, NY, home inspection recommend installing the chimney higher than the house in order to get the best result. Here are five different types of a chimney that can fit your need.

1.Wood Burning Stoves

The wood-burning chimney is ancient, as it existed in the 1800s. This type of chimney is used to burn the wood to warm up the cold temperature.

2.Metal Chimney

The metal chimney is double or triple walled shaped and it can be attached within the wooden structure, sided frame, or masonry chimney chase. This chimney is used to provide air insulation and dissipate the heat.

3.Outside Chimney

Today, many homeowners are using the modern type of chimney that is an outside chimney. It is made from sheet metal and is equipped with a modern fireplace. You can work on the design of this chimney to match the house.

4.Metal with Chase Chimney

Another chimney that can suit your house is a metal with chase chimney. This chimney has a masonry or prefabricated look with a chase that is made of metal. This chimney is used to prevent water from getting through your house. The experts of the Albany, NY, home inspection recommend hiding the metal by creating a shroud or decorative cover.

5.Engineered Chimney

This chimney required detailed construction from the engineer, as he determines the shape, material, and estimated cost of the chimney. Contact the Albany, NY, home inspection to design and build your engineered chimney.

The Author Kevin Maxwell is the owner and operator of Maxwell Home Inspection Services, LLC. Kevin Maxwell is a certified Home Inspector located in Albany NY that has performed over 6000 Inspections Book online Phone: 1-800-598-4754


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