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Avoiding an Overload in Your Power Points.
Technically when you exceed the maximum amperage of the electrical circuit, a power point overload occurs. Running appliances that draw high

What is a Power Surge?
Power surges are something that can not only trigger a circuit breaker but also have the tendency to shut off the electrical, but the real q

How to Check for Bad Electrical Wiring.
By taking precautions before any problems appear, you can protect your family safer from any dangerous electrical shock. Even the smallest l

A Guide to Using Safety Switches.
It is a fact that we forget just how hazardous the electricity that powers our households and lifestyle can be. Electricity is a great facil

Why We Need More Safety Switches in Our Homes.
A safety switch can save lives as it checks the electrical flow and activates when it detects a leakage. The aim of this device is to avoid

Electrical Safety in the Home.
The Albany, NY home inspections recommend including the safety tips in household rule, which keep you safe when using extension cords, appli

How to Deal With Sparking Plugs.
Some of the sparking’s are very normal but if it is happening regularly then it is indicating a serious problem. Electricity is hot, fast, a

Why Get An Electrical Inspection When Buying A Home?
Buying a new home means, you need to inspect many things, from radon gas levels to pest situation. However, the most important element to in

The Importance of ‘Grounding’ Electrical Currents.
The grounding of the electrical system is important to protect both the equipment and you from the hazard of high voltage. Electricity offer

7 Common Electrical Problems Around the Home.
Electricity in the house makes your life easier but damaged appliances, flickering lights, and raising bills are the signs of a great electr
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